So who am I?!
I'm Naomi, 34 year old Mum of 4 (including a delightfully loopy step-daughter). I'm a veggie eating, baby wearing, coffee drinking doula and hypnobirthing instructor. I'm a big fan of slow, intentional living, true crime podcasts, emo music from the 00s and all things birth.
After the birth of my daughter Margot last year during a global pandemic I realized, 1- the lack of support and continuity of care currently out there and 2- hypnobirthing is fucking awesome! I made the decision to fill in those gaps and provide birthing people with the information, continuity of care and support they deserve.
I embarked on training with the utterly amazing Red Tent Doulas and hypnobirthing instructor training with The Birth Uprising because their no bullshit approach to birth really spoke to me.
One of my favourite topics is birth rights and I am passionate about making sure birthers have all the information they need to make empowered fully informed choices. I have a specialist interest in mental health and could talk to you about the importance of good postnatal care and planning all day!